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Journal Some Woman's Journal: P.B. Loco 8

$6 for a peanut butter sandwich?! That's ridiculous!

Or so I've been telling myself ever since a P.B. Loco popped up in the mall a few years or so ago.

But oh how wrong I was. So very wrong. Yesterday I gave in to the Peanut Butter Deities and handed over my six bucks. In return, I was given a raspberry white chocolate peaut butter, marshmallow cream, and banana sandwich. Toasted. On wheat (because that practically makes up for the marshmallow cream). I cannot believe that I have been withholding this gooey wonder from myself for so long. I actually paid $7 for a jar of the peanut butter used in my sandwich.

Oh hey, Alton Brown? Your multiple shuddering mouthgasms are right here. *points to P.B. Loco*

This discussion was created by Some Woman (250267) for Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

P.B. Loco

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  • That's danged cheap! I'm having serious banana withdrawals. So serious I'm considering paying the $15/kg asking price for the precious delicacy... Although only one store nearby stocks bananas any more and you have to get there _real_ early to get them.

    I miss bananas. 8^( Hopefully the price will start to drop as the banana plantations are re-established...
    • Oh no! Your peanut butter and toasted bread must be lost without banana slices!

      I love bananas! I think the most I've ever paid for them was around $2/lb. A local convenience store chain has bananas for $0.29/lb year round, which is ridiculously cheap. I hope your banana source fully recovers. :^(
      • by arb ( 452787 )
        Bananas are the most popular fruit in Australia and we've been bananaless since early this year when a cyclone wiped out 80-90% of the banana plantations in the country. 8^( Australia doesn't allow banana imports, so prices have skyrocketed.

        *Sigh* I just know I'm going to dream about bananas tonight... Banana smoothies, banana sandwiches, sliced banana on my cereal, banana and passionfruit pavlovas, banana cake, banana muffins, caramelised banana crepes...
        • Have you tried Banana chips (dehydrated banana slices)? Do you think they'd find them if someone tried to mail you some?
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • That's because they only have 3 locations right now: one each in Minnesota, Arizona, and New Jersey. There's one coming soon to Aurora, Colorado.

      Google tells me that you're right, and also that a local FancyPants grocery store chain sells PB Loco stuff as well.

On the eighth day, God created FORTRAN.
