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Journal WilliamSChips's Journal: Microsoft Windows to be open-sourced

And now that I have your attention, I'm going to talk about something completely unrelated. I stole this technique from squiggleslash who used the same headline but about OS X to talk about the plotholes in a movie he(?) didn't like. This should be interesting. I wonder how it'll play out.
And in a completely unrelated note, I'm incredibly excited about the upcoming episode of Stargate SG-1. As anyone who has watched the (US) Sci-Fi channel at all this week knows, Richard Dean Anderson is coming back for this very special occasion, and everyone who had the chance of seeing it before the rest of us(lucky bastards) have said it was really good. If you want to know what the episode is about go read spoilers at GateWorld as it has the best spoilers.
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Microsoft Windows to be open-sourced

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