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Journal AntiFreeze's Journal: Politics and Laziness

I'm getting sick of the political attitudes of most Americans. Their laziness and disinterest in what's going on around them, in their country and out, distrurbs me in a most uncomfortable way.

This could easily be a rant about the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or Bush wanting to go to war with Iraq, or the DMCA, or Eldred v. Ashcroft, or the disappearing First Ammendment, or other obvious ongoing political conflicts. Rest assured that I have very opinionated views about all, and I may even post my feelings at a later time - but they're not what I'm complaining about now.

It is not so much people's stances that bother me, but rather the vast majority of people who have no stance or blindly follow someone else's. Not the people who say "I don't know" or who are unsure -- but the people who don't care or who refuse to consider the position they're pushing.

I guess I just don't like people who can't think for themselves. And I'm not complaining about members of Congress who spout the party line. I'm talking about the everyday Americans who pay no attention to what's going on. Laziness must be a factor. It's just too complicated to keep up with the complex issues, to sort out the FUD, to come up with your own opinion. That has to be the reason, any other is downright scary.

I'm sick of people getting angry with me for my views, but are unable to actually discuss the situation because they don't know what they're talking about. And I don't mean I disagree with what they're saying, I mean they lack the information to have a discussion. You cannot simply say "I'm for X!" or "How could you be for X, are you nuts?" and expect that to be the end of the conversation. You are entitled to your opinion, and I am entitled to think you're stupid and lazy for not being able to explain or qualify the reasons behind your statement.

UPDATE: Hit save when I meant to hit preview. I'll blame it on my mouse. Stupid, lazy mouse. Anyway, I was close enough to done, so I'll let it sit here for now. And don't just tell me I'm being stupid or I have my head up my ass, tell me why.

Also, I'd just like to add that I don't mean for this journal to be political in nature, but the topic will come up from time to time. This article was simply prompted by Bush's speech last night and the reaction this morning and my annoyance with the indifference or ineptitude of the vast majority of those I've spoken with so far.

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Politics and Laziness

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...this is an awesome sight. The entire rebel resistance buried under six million hardbound copies of "The Naked Lunch." - The Firesign Theater
