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Journal Temsi's Journal: never moderate politically biased posts...

You can't win... if you moderate a post by someone who's obviously baiting people by attacking one political view (doesn't matter if it's liberals or conservatives), chances are it'll be metamoderated by someone who a) agrees with the post or b) disagrees with your moderation or c) due to political ignorance doesn't understand that the post was meant as flamebait - and in both cases because of their political bias and/or ignorance, metamoderates your moderation as unfair.

Happened to me... I know.
People are stupid. No way around it. In the meantime, my karma takes a hit.

Thus, I will not moderate any politically charged posts again, no matter how Coulter-like the post may be. Therefore, in the end, Slashdot suffers because of a select few pinheads.

Nothing is finished until the paperwork is done.
