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Journal cyranoVR's Journal: Debunking 9/11 Myths 7

I had already heard about some 9/11 "Truth" movements - the first being that French tract The Big Lie. But in the last few weeks I've had several people mention that "Loose Change" movie, so I decided it was worth a JE.

Here it is:

The people behind the "Loose Change" video and other "9/11 Truth" groups are a few notches below Holocaust Deniers, in my opinion. For all their conspiracies to be true and all the FACTS to be wrong would require the complicity of hundreds - if not thousands. It's just not sustainable.

Popular Mechanics: 9/11: Debunking The Myths The 9/11 Deniers

Loose Change 2nd Edition Viewer Guide

The only difference between them and the Holocaust Deniers is that of scale, really.

This discussion was created by cyranoVR (518628) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Debunking 9/11 Myths

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  • That's what any of this stuff comes down to. Without a doubt there are very likely "black helicopters" that are being used against the American people. The REAL question is; "Who is behind what that black helicopters and do you trust them to do the right thing"? Some people would trust the black helicopters under Clinton's administration far more than they'd trust the same helicopters under Bush's administration. And still other would really like the black helicopters operated by communist or socialist
  • I still think flight 93 was shot down, the whereabouts of one military plane should be easy to fake later without involving too many people.
    • I think this is unlikely because there is just too much primary evidence. Aside from all the eyewitnesses who saw the plane seconds before it crashed, there is the debris which would have shown evidence of a air-to-air missle attack (or whatever). Not to mention the flight recorder, etc. etc. The conspiracy would have to be much greater than "one plane."

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    • Or maybe that's what they want me to think.

      Exactly - they like these crazies pushing their "airplanes were holograms lol" theories because it distracts and/or discredits the more plausible conspiracies i.e. that certain parties in the Bush Administration had specific information on the attacks but willfully chose not to take action (they saw it as a potential "Pearl Harbor" they could use to their advantage).

      Note I'm not saying "true" just "more plausible."

      Reference: Frontline: The Man Who Knew []
      • When I finally got back to this JE to spew some drivel, you’d already made approximately the same point I was going to. I am one of those who does not believe the conspiracy theory put forth by the Feds. But neither do I believe that three planes were secreted off to the Bermuda Triangle and the passengers eaten by Cthulu while cruise missils destroyed those buildings.

        I also happen to think that I’m in the mainstream when it comes to people who doubt the official conspiracy theory: the Twin Towe
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