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Journal cyranoVR's Journal: Updated Action Items List 3

Looks like slashdot reduced its user bio to just 255 characters, so I have to put my updated action items list here:

I get mod points about every two days. I guess that makes me a moderator - you know, one of those guys you're always whining about.

Before you whine about "bias," consider: Pudge is an editor with unlimited mod points. So STFU.

Yes, I do regularly mod down my foes and freaks. Sucks to be you guys. Maybe you should consider going somewhere else?

Action Items:
Comic books
"People who are raping my childhood (i.e. "Bryan Singer w/Superman Returns")
IntelliJ IDEA > Eclipse
Battlestar: Galactica
Instant Messaging
Did I mention Fencing?
Chicago Cubs - World Champs 2004!^W 2005!^W 2006^W 2007!!!!1one
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Great Cthulhu
Deep Thoughts
My life - as in: not your life.

Note that I didn't list "politics." That's because I hate arguing about politics. Politics are stupid.

My karma ran over your dogma.

MS Access/VBA: 2001 ~ 2005 RIP...OR IS IT? - UPDATE: it is.

Are you living in IDIOT AMERICA ?

This discussion was created by cyranoVR (518628) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Updated Action Items List

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  • I cut'n'pasted it and did a wc, and not counting the embeded url, its 354, with it, 432.

    Perhaps the new limit only kicks in when you go to update it.

  • Unless things have changed. Mine is well over 255, and has been so for a while. Last I know, they checked and truncated it every once in a while, but you could set it back again. It's possible that they changed that behavior with the major updates that have been happening.

    I checked the behavior by putting in a very long string. It was accepted, but only displayed about the first 1000 characters.
    • Actually, it only accepted the first 1014 characters. So it is trancating, just not as severely as advertised.

      If they really want to get people to subscribe, they ought to let subscribers have longer sigs and bios. That would be a more effective "plum" than most of the ones that they have now.

There are bugs and then there are bugs. And then there are bugs. -- Karl Lehenbauer
