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Journal rdewald's Journal: Ask Aunt Dottie: Mac OSX vs. Ubuntu? 3

I tried the Ubuntu (african for "can't install Debian") Live CD on my PowerPC iBook G4 over the weekend and I sorta liked it. I mostly use OSS apps which all have ports in GNU/Linux so there's not much of an issue there WITH THE EXCEPTION of iTunes. A couple of Google searches reveals that I am not the only one with this concern. Hmmm, this might be the crack in the Apple veneer of geek-coolness. Certainly a port would not be a big deal....

Is anyone out there dual-booting MacOSX and some Linux distro? Anyone have any insight into the no iTunes for Linux situation? I'm not going to use WINE or some crap like that to patch-together a buggy and slow iTunes half-app. I want the real thing.


I'm beginning to see my real, likely not-to-be-resolved, problem with Apple's DRM implementation. Crap, I wanted to be happy with Apple.

This freedom stuff is hard.

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Ask Aunt Dottie: Mac OSX vs. Ubuntu?

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