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Journal rdewald's Journal: YouTube is now a social good as far as I am concerned. 3

I haven't cried like I cried when I watched this in a long time. I completely forgot how much I miss him, hell, both of them.

Then there's this and I'm reminded how much he loved to sing.

This is a really fine example of how much he loved to just play--giving it everything he could bring.

Then, there's the Channeling.


I've seen every legally-obtainable scrap of footage of SRV so many times it is burned into the backs of my eyeballs, something about it seems distant and fixed, like a statue. But this new (to me) video brings it all back like old home movies you forget you had. I can remember how the room smelled.

Life without you, bro, its hard sometimes.

This discussion was created by rdewald (229443) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

YouTube is now a social good as far as I am concerned.

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