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Journal bmabray's Journal: You're hired... no, fired... no, hired...

Well, we've been fired, again. :-) Ok, not exactly fired. Our clients have decided to put things on hold while they decide if they really want to continue with the site. *sigh* Oh, well... It's kind of frustrating for us, but it's understandable. With the economy the way it is, this probably isn't a good time to be taking risks. I hope it works out for them, whatever they decide. I won't be too heartbroken if I never have to use Miva again... :-)

With the world currently being a pretty depressing place, I thought I'd share something that boosts my spirits. Go to Amazon and click on the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. It's been less than a week since the tragedies in NY, DC, and PA, and they've already raised over $6 million. They didn't hold a telethon or anything, they just put the link on their front page, and word-of-mouth has done the rest.

Now, here's something else that I find interesting about this page: Since it started, the average donation per person has been going up. That is the opposite of what I would expect. I would think that, as people see how much is raised already, they would tend to give less. It's just amazing to me.

So, if you're feeling down because of all the evil in the world, go to Amazon and see how much good there is...

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You're hired... no, fired... no, hired...

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"One lawyer can steal more than a hundred men with guns." -- The Godfather
