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Journal rdewald's Journal: Movie Review: The Road to Guantanamo


This is a documentary about a bunch of college age guys, recklessly idealistic and apathetic simultaneously, who ended up as detainees at Guantanamo. Their story is no different that many of my own when I was their age--roads trips impulsively and poorly planned, detachment from worldly events, far too much reliance on the kindness of strangers. Their story is different from any of my own because the worst consequences of my escapades were brief detentions (torture by flourescent lighting and week old newspapaers) in police precinct offices. Their reckless mindlessness got them a stay at Gitmo.

My companion (Rachel) wanted to know more about the filmakers before she decided how she felt about the film. I simply took it all in as the price/cost of our collective ignorant and deluded actions as a nation. This is what happens when you chase ghosts.

These guys go to Pakistan right after 911 from their homes in England. One went to find a wife, another went to arrange his marriage. They "hear" people need "help" in Afghanistan and they just take off to go check it out. They don't spend long in Kabul before they discover they want to get back to Pakistan. They did, they just spent some more time in Afghanistan and then a few years in Cuba before getting there. The US Govt. finally just let them go after they figured out they were just stupid college kids on an ill-planned road trip.

There are lots of questions. Why the hell go to the region at all in October 2001? Why go to where the bombing is taking place? What the hell? So, some of the story isn't told. But, that's okay with me because it does offer a glimpse into what is going on in parts of the world.

Four stars. if it's within your ability, see it.

I saw it here.

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Movie Review: The Road to Guantanamo

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"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
