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Journal rdewald's Journal: Review: Bruce Springsteen with the Seeger Sessions Band. 1

I attended Bruce Springsteen's concert in Holmdel, NJ at the PNC Amphitheatre (exit 116 off The Garden State parkway). This date had a lot going against it, it rained all day, sometimes in sheets of rain, and I had lawn seats.

It was a pain to drive down there, it's about an hour and a half from my door in Manhattan by car, assuming you don't hit any traffic at the Lincoln Tunnel or on the way down there. We didn't, not until exit 116. It took us about 30 minutes to drive the last half mile to the event, they were terminally unprepared for the crowd. Idiots.

It was raining when we got there and when my companion and I (Carol, not Mona, by the way) found the couple we were hanging out with it started to rain even harder. Carol and I huddled under an unbrella trying to figure out how much of this we could take until we found our way to some sort of indoor structure and watched the show on the TV.

The show started late, which I expected since I've set up this kind of event in the rain--everything takes longer. Now, it *was* New Jersey, and it *was* Bruce, so of course it stopped raining when he walked out on stage.

This tour was in support of the Pete Seeger Sessions album, this was the next to last show (on the current schedule) and it shows. The production values were fantastic. He had a 19 piece band, they were very tight, everyone was an absolute pro player (except for Patti Scialfa, the Boss's blind spot). I absolutely enjoyed every minute of the show even though I was wet and sitting on a wet blanket.

Bruce Springsteen is one of those very rare live performers who is able to capture the energy of an arena-size crowd like it was a dingy little club 50 miles from nowhere. I am not a huge fan of his, but I have to concede that he puts on a live show which exceeds all expectations. He likes the work, he has a lot of fun, and (with the exception of his spouse) he has very high standards for his band.

He played the entire album and a few other favorites of Americana, he steered clear of the old hits completely, not even Diamonds and Dust. Some of these tunes he played are really Country music, I thought about how ironic it is that The Dixie Chicks are playing AAR these days and Bruce Springsteen is playing Country music. He completely had the groove down, the only thing out of place was that country bands generally don't have a brass section, but they fit right in.

I recommend you get this album if you like Pete Seeger's music, it's right on the mark. Forget about whether you like Springsteen, if you like Pete Seeger you will enjoy this record.

Of course, as I was walking out after the show I slipped and busted my ass in the mud. It hit the ground really hard, on my right side actually, and my ribcage still hurts. I was covered in mud, we had to wrap me in paper towels for the car ride home.

But even with the difficult pre and post show experiences I am really glad I made this show. It was excellent.

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Review: Bruce Springsteen with the Seeger Sessions Band.

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