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Journal Pancho Pistolas's Journal: These dreams... 4

What is the strangest dream you've ever had?

Do you believe dreams "mean something"? And if so, did your strangest dream have a meaning or interpretation?

Have you ever had a dream that clearly told you something important and/or brought about a change of some kind for having had it?

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These dreams...

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  • First I consider my dreams to be random stuff blasted into my conscious mind from my subconscious mind. That said, sometimes the random stuff is worth looking at. For example, when I was back in high school, I had a dream I was wandering through a dungeon, and out of the corner of my eye I noticed the D&D character I played sneaking up on me (like, to stab me in the back). I woke up and realized I needed to spend some time doing something besides playing D&D....
  • Weirdest dream, eh? That's a tough one. Here's two of the odder ones.

    1 - (1998) I was traveling in what appeared to be a post-apocalyptic wasteland with a man and his daughter. We were hiking and hoping to find a friendly place to resupply, as we were running dangerously low on rations and fresh water. We get to the top of a hill, and see in the distance a small village. The kind of town that had one crossroad, and might have even had a traffic light. I tell the both of them to wait here and hide in the bus
    • Dude, what movies were you watching before you had these dreams????? :-)

      Two things that always tip me off that I am dreaming: when I look at the night sky (it always look wrong, usually with weird non-twinkling stars and funky extra planets) and if I look in a mirror: my reflection never looks right in my dreams for some reason.

      • Dude, what movies were you watching before you had these dreams?

        I don't know. I've never been able to link any particular dream to any specific movie or book that I have seen or read. In general there are a few basic groups of dreams for me:

        1 - Recurring dreams: trying to catch someone who is always able to evade me, or having my high school diploma revoked and having to retake a number of high school English classes (and every time I try to resolve it with adult education they say no I have to go back to h

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