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Journal frankie's Journal: Science (Medical) Journalists SUCK

The usual suspects are reporting about a study that a magnetic pulse "zapper" can relieve migraine symptoms. However, none of the reports mention the crucial detail about ANY medical study: did the researchers use double-blind randomized control?

If the patients were able to deduce their role in the study (active or control) by any means (including the body language of a researcher who knows the roles), then placebo effect can render the entire study meaningless.

Based on the news reports, it's entirely possible that the active wing was given cool flashing zapper guns while the control wing was left sitting alone with their headaches. They just don't say.

Science reporters are the worst. Computer/technology reporters, OTOH, usually have a decent layman's understanding of their subject, and can explain stuff semi-accurately most of the time (excluding intentional troll columnists). But if a science reporter fails to ask basic research questions, the entire story is worse than useless.

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Science (Medical) Journalists SUCK

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