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Journal Pancho Pistolas's Journal: It's enough to make your head 'slode.

Okay, Jon Stewart is a genius. A comedic genius to be sure, but I speak more to the point of an astute observation he made that I'm still tossing around in my mind.

Basically, it comes down to is the following: The far conservative right of this country (by and large) include two camps, both with arguably huge overlap. On the one hand, you have the Bible-thumping pro-life fundamentalists that hold that an unborn child is an innocent life that must in all cases be saved, and that pro-choice people are cheapening life and violating basic religious tenents. On the other hand (actually, on the same hand, as there are a LOT of people who also hold this view too, including our president), there are people that believe in the righteousness patriotism of the war in Iraq, where thousands of innocent civilians (I'm talking women and children) are dying each and every day as "collateral damage", specificially due to military actions-- direct results of our own troops.

Honestly, I don't see how these two views aren't diametrically opposed.

And of course this begs looking at the OTHER side-- the far left. How is it that people that include huge numbers of vegetarians/vegans, seekers of peace, and defenders of all life...people who are SO connected to sparing their fellow animals any suffering...that these people are SO certain that unborn children feel no pain from abortions, whether they're five hours or five weeks old?

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It's enough to make your head 'slode.

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