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Journal GillBates0's Journal: Papercraft pinhole camera 2

Papercraft pinhole camera 19:22 22nd May, 2006 Rejected

Just happened to see this cool looking, do-it-yourself paper pinhole camera on This camera, which you can download the design for, cut and build is capable of capturing an image on any 35mm film through a pinhole instead of a lens. Though the design was first published in 1979, it was converted to a digital design recently.

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Papercraft pinhole camera

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  • Google for "Solaris 126" and buy some of that from The Frugal Photographer. Remember 126 film? It's only being made in Italy now, under the Solaris brand name.

    The film's in a cartridge. You can use a nickel to wind the film. The back of the film is protected with paper, and it's got visible frame numbers on it, making accurate winding easy.

    On the business side of the cartridge, you can make a box out of thin cardboard, maybe an inch and a half in depth, sized so that it fits snugly into the area around the

"There is such a fine line between genius and stupidity." - David St. Hubbins, "Spinal Tap"
