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Journal spun's Journal: SuSE and VMWare comedy of errors

We are using VMWare ESX 2.5.3 on IBM blade servers hosting SuSE linux. We just upgraded to 2.5.3 so we could use x86_64, only to find out that the processors in our boxes aren't stepping D or above. So we need to upgrade, in the meantime I am told to install SuSE 10.1 for our new WebSense logging system. I grab all the .iso files, and put them on the host. Make a virtual CD and connect the .iso for disk 1. Boot up, start the install, it gets to where it would normally ask for disk 2 and I would switch the file using VirtualCenter, and the stupid thing begins post installation and tries unsuccessfully to reboot itself. No mention of this problem on the SuSE or VMWare boards, wtf?

UPDATE: Using lilo instead of grub fixed the problem.

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SuSE and VMWare comedy of errors

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