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Journal Pancho Pistolas's Journal: Errant wishes and blessed curses... 4

I saw an X-Files episode about a guy who had rain constantly following wherever he was. He ended up using this to make money, by going places that had droughts. So where it might've been a curse, he turned it into a gift of sorts.

It's like a variant on Mida's touch.

Think of something you've always wanted, or ability you've always wished you'd had. Is there a way it could be given to you, JUST LIKE YOU WANT IT, that could turn out to be a curse instead of a blessing?

Or maybe something the world might see as a curse or burden that you've turned into a goldmine, or at least a source of something nifty?

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Errant wishes and blessed curses...

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  • My favorite was an episode (twilight zone maybe?) where these kids catch a leprechaun; he gives them three wishes, but they all turn out bad. My favorite was the kid who wished for x-ray vision, which basically let him see inside other people's bodies (bones, guts, etc) and it couldn't be "turned off". Not quite what the naughty little guy wanted.

    One of my favorite Grimm's fairy tales features a guy who pulls out money every time he reaches in his pocket; sounds nice, unless you do it in a neighborhood wher

  • That reminds me of a favorite old joke of mine...

    A guy walks into a bar with an ostrich on one side, and a surly-looking cat on the other. They all sit down at the bar, and the bartender comes over to take their order. The guy looks over at the cat, who says, "I'll have a beer-- but I'm not paying!", looking over at the guy sullenly. The ostrich chirps, "I'll have a Tom Collins", and the guy says, "I'll have a beer." Seeing as it's a crowded night and bartender's a little leery of the animals, he gives

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