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33 percent and dropping

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  • There are a certain number of people in this country, a sizable number, who are just as deluded as Bush and need to cling to their support of him in order to maintain their own fragile self-image. Let's face it, he's been publicly exposed as a lying, incompetent, fraud. He has publically confessed direct reponisibility for crimes against this government and others. These facts are not disputed except by those who comfort themselves with attacks on the messengers.

    He still gets 33%. That's rock solid.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • ...because he loves me so much, and I'm such a disappointment.
    • I'm amazed how you claim that other people are deluded and then can claim with a straight face (err, keyboard):
      Let's face it, he's been publicly exposed as a lying, incompetent, fraud. He has publically confessed direct reponisibility for crimes against this government and others. These facts are not disputed except by those who comfort themselves with attacks on the messengers.

      So, are the prices cheaper in the "reality-based community"?
  • by ellem ( 147712 ) *
    Hey if he were baseball player he'd be a top guy!

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