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Journal spun's Journal: Saving These Posts

Funny enough to save, IMNSHO.

What is the fascination with the Librarian Party? (Score:3)
by Hamster Lover (558288) * on Tuesday May 02, @04:28PM (#15250061)
(Last Journal: Friday July 11, @03:17PM)

Seriously. OK, they like books, but really, what else have they got going for them?


Gather Round, Young'ens! Grampa's Got A Story! (Score:2)
by spun (1352) on Tuesday May 02, @05:18PM (#15250340)
(Last Journal: Thursday April 27, @06:02PM)

Well, son, take a seat and let me tell you 'bout the good ol' days. Back before there was this new fangled world wide web, we had this place called Usenet which was kinda like you young'ins web forums, only all in text and kinda all jumbled together. It evolved from something that came before the Internet even, UUCP, which was Unix to Unix Copy protocol, though it wasn't only used by unix, you see? (zzzzzz... zzzz... zznork?) Where was I?

Anyways, all these old timey bulletin boards (We called 'em BBSs back then) would all dial each other up over regular old phone lines and forward stuff on at pre-arranged intervals. All of them freely associating created a kind of world wide forum without the need for any of this fancy infrastructure we have now. It was kinda like anarchy in action, but each little bulliten board owner was god of his entire domain, see? (zzzzz.. zzzz... zzwhuh?)

Who took my meds? Nurse! Anyways, that situation got some o' them early sysadmins and BBS users to thinking. The more moon-headed of them got it in their heads that the whole world should be that way, no, in fact, would be that way, because of computers. And modems, and telephone lines, and, them, of course.

And then they all started read Ayn Rand. And then the seventh seal was broken, and we all wore an onion on our belt, as was the style of the time.

The rest, as they say, is history. (zzzzzz... damkidsgetoffmylawn... zzzz... zzzz...)

Chemistry professors never die, they just fail to react.
