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Journal Zarf's Journal: Learning from a professional 4

Remember my journal entry a few days back? I've been working with the Ex-CTO a few days now and I thought I'd share a few of our lessons with you.
  • Just because something compiles right doesn't mean it is fixed.
  • SQL uses "--" for comments
  • In general try to adhere to the style guide for the language.
  • You should have been provided with a list of requirements. If you code fills these new requirements and does not break the old requirements... then your code works! If you break old features, your code does not fill its requirements, or your code produces unintended side effects... your code DOES NOT work.

And that's what I have taught him these last two weeks. What he has taught me is immeasurable... mainly because I can't find it to measure it.

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Learning from a professional

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  • What about the lesson that a red tie and a blue shirt don't ALWAYS look good?

    Huh? Forgot about that didn't you?

    And I don't care what you say... if I press the spacebar after my Perl script throws an error and stuff happens I say it's fixed!
  • A) You worried about if for nothing.

    B) He's a former CTO. His job was IT from 50k feet. CTO's are generally not practicioners in the sense that SE's or programmers are - they "program" from 50,000 feet with UML and email and stuff.
    • He's a former CTO. His job was IT from 50k feet. CTO's are generally not practicioners in the sense that SE's or programmers are - they "program" from 50,000 feet with UML and email and stuff.

      I'm supposed to teach him UML next week.

Credit ... is the only enduring testimonial to man's confidence in man. -- James Blish
