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User Journal

Journal spun's Journal: New Job 2

Well, after leaving my last employer over a contract dispute I have a new job, working for New Mexico's Child, Youth and Family Department. Guess what OS they run all their servers on? Linux of course. They run a web filter, a custom Sybase application for case management, a collaborative LAMP based Intranet, and a Linux based SAN. My first task is to migrate the Intranet from MySQL 3.23/Apache 1.x/PHP 4.x to the latest versions. Things are pretty laid back. I love me a gub'mint job!

Oh, and not to brag, but my recruiter had me take RedHat's online test first and I'm in the 93rd percentile.

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New Job

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  • I hope the new job goes well for you, and hopefully there will be no annoying contract problems this time.

    • Yeah, the last place I worked made high end linux servers for a Certain Intelligence Agency, a 'Nother Such Agency, and government labs like Sandia and Los Alamos. They were also putting together a complete diskless linux system with and Exchange workalike, openoffice, and business process management stuff. I was supposed to work for that department, but until they 'got on their feet' I was to build linux computers. High end, mind you, and I had a chance to play with some tech I never would have otherwise,

The best laid plans of mice and men are held up in the legal department.
