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Journal perfessor multigeek's Journal: V for Vendetta: You mean people PAY to watch this? 6


Saw the latest Wachowski bros. tip a couple days back. Bleagh! Not good. Very not good. It was like a two hour beer ad. A not very original beer ad. No content, slick colors, by-the-numbers directing. A few flashy visual tricks. Several intrusive bits of special effects business. But the thing that got me most is how reliably they didn't even really believe their own shtick.

- Everyone lives in fear in a paranoid society saturated with sensors and spies. But with one exception, every time somebody has a secret, they just yammer on like a bunch of southern Californians in group therapy. Cop trusts inspector and vice versa. Aide trusts television star and vice versa. And on and on.

- What England really needs is the return of democracy and policy from the people. But everything 'productive" in the movie is done by one lone freak, consulting no-one, teamed with no-one, advised by no-one. And his "solution" for everything is killing people. The other ninety-nine point nine nine percent of England is there to look worshipful, be fans, and bear witness to The One Strong Man's acts of greatness.

- Oh, the new England is a dirty, sad, ugly place. But somehow, except for members of the ruling regime and Our Tragic Hero, everybody who matters is attractive and charming in proportion to their effectiveness or significance. And oh, the clothes are so very pretty and tasteful.

- This is the new, tough, raw, ADULT Natalie Portman. Who, coincidentally is constantly seeking daddy figures, is first seen in a freakishly girly top, and, best yet, does her one bit of assistance to the Cause Underway in pigtails, literally dressed to attract a pedophile.

Blah, blah, fuckin' blah.

No Lexus ad was ever so incompetent at maintaining a tone.

And, ya know what? Seen as a political document, as my points above demonstrate, the real messages of this film are straight out of fascist propaganda, or, more specifically Cultural Revolution period Maoist propaganda, right down to the evil, physically disgusting, Capitalist Bosses who are also the ruling clique, opposed only by oppressed Workin' Folk who have, literally burst the chains of intellectual/capitalist oppression. The Soviets woulda loved this shit. Woulda played it all night long. Except that they, at least, would have given actual normal citizens more of a role in getting their freedom.

If I get the chance to obtain cheaply copies of this muck, I'll take 'em. So I can recycle the paper, piss on the discs, and throw them away.

Call me when somebody does a real political movie.


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V for Vendetta: You mean people PAY to watch this?

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  • After the second Matrix, I instituted a permanent Wachowski brothers boycott. Too bad, the first Matrix had promise. But they just ruined the second one so badly, I laughed out loud at some scenes. "V for Vendetta" looked so corny I wouldn't give it a second glance.

    If you are looking for a good sci fi read to wash away the bad taste, may I recommend Karl Schroeder? New author, Canadian I think, very, very good. As thought provoking as Iain Banks. As fast paced and exciting as Peter Hamilton. Scientifically
  • my friend who have read v say the movie is just another good book turned bad movie. the book is much more complex, V is portrayed not as a hero but a terrorist who you're not so sure of. i'm told the scene with the priest is much better in the book too -- v poisons the priest with a communion wafer. you know that alan moore, the original author, fought to have his name removed from the movie. the original illustrator is credited instead. the graphic novel is available on bittorrent, so is the movie.
  • I haven't really come back. I just had a few spare moments today, and felt like reading a bit, and noticed that you are journaling again, which I think is cool.

    It's really too bad that you suffered through the accident. I hope that all will be better again. I never did find much info on all the details. I just know that there was an explosion of biofuel in the apartment.

    I must say that I'm amazed at how much I still think of the roof top gardens, galleries, and upside down umbrellas.

    It's too bad that you're

Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
