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Journal AntiFreeze's Journal: And ten minutes later, I have mod points

Well, as is painfully obvious, I still cannot sleep. On the other hand, I now have mod points.

Does anyone else think that there are too many mod points floating around nowadays? Remember when comments rarely raised past a threshold of 3? When there was a 5 once every few articles? Well I do. Now a threshold of three gives me just as much junk as a theshold of zero used to. But then, I guess I'm remembering days when most of the comments were posted by anonymous cowards and the troll to real post ratio was negligable. Hell, I can't believe I've been reading slashdot this long. Someone put me out of my misery. Or better yet, give me lots of money. Yeah, that's the ticket!

Note to self: Get sleep. Lots of sleep. NOW.

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And ten minutes later, I have mod points

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