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Journal WilliamSChips's Journal: Creationists should believe in Evolution 1

Look at the evidence. Look at the detailed fossil record. Look at the 50% of the same fragments of DNA that are common to both us and the banana. This evidence is so convincing that there are more PhDs named Steve(or some variation thereof, women named Stephanie are also allowed for gender-neutrality) that believe in evolution than there are scientists that don't. Now let's go into creationism lalaland and pretend that God just faked all that evidence. Obviously, God did that for a reason, he rarely does something without a purpose. The most likely purpose is that he wants us to believe in Evolution! Why else would he go to so much trouble to fabricate evidence? I cannot think of any reason whatsoever.
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Creationists should believe in Evolution

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  • Maybe if you didn't frame it in the context of it being a faithful act, and merely pointed out that not "believing in evolution" is exactly the same thing is not believing that boats float in ocean....

    There's nothing to "believe". The evidence is all there, it's just that some people choose not to look at it, or choose to disbelieve their own senses. It's no different than someone saying that planes can't fly, except that it's easier to see the planes flying than it is to read through all the evidence that

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo. - Andy Finkel, computer guy
