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Journal theilchileepage's Journal: The Power Of Ilchi Lee Books

Ilchi Lee is a Korean philosopher, mentor and author of several books, which play an important role to human life. This person has been respected and popularized as an educator and passionate visionary. It has been said that this philosopher has had devoted lots of his time in teaching about âenergy principles,â(TM) otherwise known as Chakra. The power of the brain is given an utmost importance in this context.

Listed in the following are some of the important Ilchi Lee Books he had ever written and published, together with a clear-cut explanation on each of them.

1. Brain Wave Vibration

This particular book known as âBrain Wave Vibrationâ(TM) was written to teach people how to use their brain in having good fitness training and holistic healing. The methods incorporated are all easy to apply for the betterment of the doer. It makes peopleâ(TM)s body and mind ready all the time. There is a significance of balancing human life to achieve health, happiness, and peace.

2. Magnetic Meditation

This book is a groundbreaking one as it contains effective methods of meditation. According to Ilchi Lee, you have the power, the inner power in particular, to use your physical-based sensation. By using this one, the magnetic aspect within you will be unlocked, making you to feel, amplify, and circulate your physical energy.

3. The Call of Sedona

In this book, the author himself uses his own journey to explain spiritual growth. According to him, there is always an awakening process you can use for you to become successful. You can achieve success by way of using wisdom and knowledge properly. This book was written based on his own experience in the wonders of Sedona, Arizona. Ilchi Lee made immense and useful insights and viewpoints about human life, its struggle and recovery. In this book furthermore, using human heart to conceive nature is really important.

4. Magoâ(TM)s Dream

It is considered as an uplifting and inspiring book according to those people who were able to read and understand its meaning. The substance of this book is focused on the importance of Mother as the natural habitat of humans. The Earthâ(TM)s existence has its own soul known as Mago. By learning how to use it, anybody can feel calmness and pacification through proper communication process.

All of these Ilchi Lee Books are intended to help people understand the essence of human life, human existence, human happiness, and human success.

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The Power Of Ilchi Lee Books

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