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Journal perfessor multigeek's Journal: More Geek Shopping 5

Speaking of geek stuff, y'all could, of course, drop by my geek stuff store. Or, equally of course, my totally shameless Reed & Wright swag store.

I suspect that you'll actually far prefer the geek stuff at my Zazzle store, especially, duh! the "/. addict" t-shirt. After all, you can spec whatever color, clothing type, etc. suits you. Only problem is that I haven't seen any of their product in the real world yet and I'm not sure how the printing will come out.

But hell, after all the promises I'd made back in '04 to do t-shirts that said, for example, "geeks: I want a beowulf cluster of those.", "ADD: I think about more things than you do.", and "yes, I am smarter than you." I decided to get my act together in late January and finish the PShop work, then create the sites.

General rule, btw, the screen shots suck nuclear rocks. Please do look at the largest view to get some idea of how these actually look. On top of that, the free version CafePress and Zazzle UIs are pretty doggone lame so, yeah, you've gotta scroll *way* down to find some of the best stuff.

I just ordered myself a Deep Geek messenger bag. Should be fun to have at trade shows. The CafePress Reed&Wright logo t-shirt (with the logo in the square) actually is very purty indeed. If I had the cash I'd print up fifty and send one to each of ya. Someday.
In the meantime, hey, George, sounds like you've a damn shitty week. Fuckers. Could the Howell household gain from a Reed&Wright t-shirt or whatever? Choose a thing, any thing, from one of the three sites, and it'll go your way, on the house.

Btw, thanks to all of you who were in those discussions way back when and especially to the inimitable Interrobang for staying on my ass about it and helping to perfect these little bits o' text.

Happy days,

- Rustin

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More Geek Shopping

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