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User Journal

Journal shepd's Journal: Lots of journal updates today

Wow, new features are abounding! I think I'm finally starting to appreciate the moderation system I once disliked so much.

Rescore foes of friends is a GREAT feature -- it's easily knocked off many of the regular trolls that seemed to exist at 0 threshold.

Now, if only we could get a threshold that would put personal -2 comments out of view, rather than just fully moderated comments, I'd be all set and wouldn't have to deal with a lot of crap. Woohoo!

PS - One last thing I'd love to have. And option to re-moderate foes of foes and friends of foes. It'd keep the (albeit small) group of people who like the people I don't out of my face...

PPS - The remoderate X percent of new users system appears horrbly broken. Don't use it.

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Lots of journal updates today

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