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Journal MrAnnoyanceToYou's Journal: Unemployment, Counseling, Go, Yoga, and Age.

Sooo.... I have started playing huge amounts of Go online. Enormous. Like ten to twelve hours three or four days a week. Since I've been seeing an addiction counselor about my gaming problem, he's suddenly told me that I'm supposed to go cold turkey. Actually, he said that since I was bringing a gambling mentality into my games, there was no way I could use the 'reduction' approach he had wanted to apply. I don't really mind - I've been playing 20-60 hours a week since I was eight or so, I think. That adds up to a huge block of my life, seeing as I just had my 28th birthday... So off I go.

It's not like I don't have anything to do, just that this is so goddamn terrifying I can't believe it. Last time I tried this I was so emotionally unstable I went virtually nuts. So maybe this will work, maybe it won't we are going to see very very soon.

I'm still jobless. Well, half a job. I keep talking to people about jobs but I don't know the OOD theory they want me to to program in C++/ C# / Java / etc, and I hate VBA with such a passion I can't express it. Speaking of boring, how about a scripting language that has no real depth? Ergh. In about eight or nine months I took it as far as it would go and now I'm done with it. And I wasn't even really concentrating.

If it weren't for Yoga, which has given me stress-related injuries, I'd be unable to handle any of this.... People are calling this my quarter-life crisis. I thought I'd had one already. Whatever. Anyways, that's my whining for the month. I'm going to try and write my novel. I've been trying for years, but perhaps this whole cold turkey thing is what will finally get me the impetus to do it.
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Unemployment, Counseling, Go, Yoga, and Age.

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