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Journal FirstNoel's Journal: Hip-hip! Hooray!! No Union Today!

The vote was counted, and we do not have a Union!


It was like 128 to 83, so it wasn't a landslide but it was definitely a clear win.

Now we'll get to see if there are any changes here at the plant. They keep getting these union scares every year or 2, and they never make the necessary changes to really stop it. Maybe things will be different this time. The optimist in me hopes so, the cynic says "business as usual".

Friday is usually a good day for major announcements around here, so we'll see if anyone gets canned. There's about 2 or people that should be gone.

The KDE icon kind of looks Union-ish...The don't have an icon for the IBEW.

Sean D.

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Hip-hip! Hooray!! No Union Today!

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Many people are unenthusiastic about their work.
