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Journal bellus quies's Journal: Doctor Stuff and crimson decisions and 5k's

Well I've now got most of my doctoral ducks in a row. And I've got doctor appointments with my primary physician and gastro specialist. Though the specialist took some major arm twisting, as the receptionist didn't want to give me the appointment because I didn't have a referral number. But I couldn't get a referral number until I meet with my primary doc and then I'd have to wait an additional month foran open appointment with the gastro, and I really can't wait that long. So I told her that I'd pay for the appointment, and what would happen if I get a referral number in the mean time. SO she talked with her supervisor, and let me do it that way. Thank the goddess that I was able to get that because even with that maneuvering I still have to wait a month to see him. And my specialist is supposedly awesome so I'm really wanting to get things set up so that I can get things on the more permanent mend.

Also I was talking with my cube-buddy Geoff about things, frustrations with the doctor and all. And I'm a bit surprised at my growth, being that I didn't talk about my chronic condition with my friends in California for years and I'm comfortable talking with Geoff right now. I guess that 'm more accepting of this condition as a part of me and it's loosing it's forbidden subject categorization. And what do I know, but Geoff's grandma has Crohn's too. So he somewhat understands. But it's a big step, as it took me a while to open up to people when I started my last job because I was so shy, I was so concerned about what other people thought that I stymied making connections with others. I'm very happy at the progress that I'm making being more comfortable just being me to the world. It's awesome.


I'm thinking of dyeing my hair again. I'm thinking of black underneath crimson on top. I'll let that thought percolate for a week of two and then I'll do it after I cut my hair because it's getting to long. And then 'll let things grow out and bleach it again when things warm up. As I kinda like the pattern of darker hair in the winter and lighter and brighter in the summer.


I was so sore yesterday, as Monday I had circuit training with my running group. I signed up for a 12 week training class to prep me to run a 5k. It's with my work and it's awesome. This is the 2nd week and it's really interesting getting things going again. It feels really good getting moving again. I'm also thinking of combining this with training for a triathlon. Though the triathlon that I'd want to do is in June, and that might be a bit too soon, but I'm also thinking that it would be an awesome motivation to keep active and keep up my training. So we'll see what happens as right now I'm at the back of the pack with the other run/walkers and feel a bit, well, self-conscious, and it raises doubts that I'd be able to meet such a lofty goal as doing a triathlon when I'm in such bad shape right now.

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Doctor Stuff and crimson decisions and 5k's

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