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The Media

Journal Magdalene's Journal: new canuk leaders... we fear change.. especially this change 1

so its a minority government.

now. im scared.

this means there are enough uneducated people in canada to really mess things up but like canadians we had to do it just to see what it would be like to do.

"im not going to lick it.. YOU lick it..."
"are you ****ing nuts? its minus 20 out here..!"
"chickin shit. come on.. the bus isn't coming for another 45 minutes you ginch!"
"I am not a ginch you arsehole! YOU lick it!"
"i'll give you on of my beer!"
"hey you said your dad didn't have any! FAG!"
"lick the bus post and i'll give you ALL my beer!"



*insert loud laughter much falling down and pissing of pants here*

yes folks.. these are canadians

these are the people who voted in Steven Harper.

but it is a minority government ... we have our nice safe beer foamy liberal cusion to fall back on just in case. that is of course if the beer is still there once the skin on our tongue grows back.


"...im not touch*type*ing im touch*Talk*ing. so no, my punctuation isnt good nor do i capitalise much of anything .. and my brain blithlely offers up the first fonation it has for every word it has. so its not perfekt."
'irc trained and certified'.


techgoddess monday thorugh thurday, temptress of the ensorcelled saturday evenings by appointment.

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new canuk leaders... we fear change.. especially this change

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  • The conservatives are shafted royally. Enough votes to form a government, but not enough to govern. They don't have the numbers, and they have yet to appoint a speaker of the house, who can only vote to break ties, so they're going to be even further down the hole. They need the support of either the Liberals or the Bloc, or they lose the vote. Even the NDP doesn't have enough bodies to support them in a showdown.

    They're in pretty much the same position the Bloc was in when they became official oppositio

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