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Journal DaedalusHKX's Journal: Suggested reading.

Sun Tzu - The Art of War
Niccolo Machiavelli - The Prince
Frederick the Great - Instructions to his Generals

(Sweet Water Press has a $19.95 gold edged "tome" style compilation of the three titled aptly "The Art of War" and a cheaper $12.95 regular hardback edition of the compilation with a red cover. There are other editions abounding, and most are good. This one is just nice because it has all 3 works in one.)

Takuan Soho (translated by William Scott Wilson) - The Unfettered Mind

Tsunetomo Yamamoto (translated originally by Minoru Tanaka and edited by Justin Stone) - Bushido - the way of the samurai

A very good set of reads IMHO, I will probably post a review later on.

As far as The Art of War goes, Sun Tzu should be a mandatory read for ANY geek out there.


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Suggested reading.

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