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Journal Allen Zadr's Journal: Why is Allen Zadr on Slashdot? 1

In response to B1inder's Journal on Roles, I took some time to ponder, and started working on a Reply. As occasionally happens, the reply took on a life of it's own.

My Role

I've made a few connections here, but I force a limited role on myself. I think my anonymity (which I am probably a little too serious about) turns off some potential friendships. For those that have connected with me off-the-dot (nobody in person), they probably find me passionate... a little too intensely so.

I also have an internet presense with my real identity, but -- I'm more guarded with that (i.e., less intense, and less likely to be fully honest about my more controvercial opins). Overall, this also takes time away from my Slashdot experience. (Especially on those subjects where I get really high google rankings under my real identity).

All that said, I think of my most noticed role as, "uninvited mediator". I've jumped in-between several disagreements (typically political ones), to point out the common ground where an argument is taking place. Often pointing out that that two people are arguing for the same thing, but using silly Red/Blue, Left/Right or Dem/Rep labels to obfuscate their actual opinions.

What I keep coming back for is to make raw connections. Connections that can only be made between people who know they'll never need to meet. True honesty - unwrapping the facade that most folks wrap themselves in. I want to get to know individuals that make up a group, not just the group itself. I don't do this by getting in your faces, and calling you out... I do this by participating, and trying to be fair.

Of course, the reality of my existance here does not meet my own lofty goals. If I am your fan, guaranteed, that I read every journal (often not on the same day you posted it though). If I have nothing constructive to add, I probably won't reply. That doesn't mean I'm not there. I just don't like to jabber on without meaning.

This discussion was created by Allen Zadr (767458) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Why is Allen Zadr on Slashdot?

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