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Journal elmegil's Journal: hey illumin8 7

Dude, you have to enable comments :-)

And I forgot your email address, lost in the morass of my email overload.

CINO is a good name. I think Thomas actually had a sorta reasonable argument, how can you square this decision with Raich (medical MJ), except it's pretty easy to point out that MJ is explicitly called out by Congress (not just the AG) as schedule 1, whereas this case has to do with non-schedule 1 substances. I like that Kennedy authored the opinion.

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hey illumin8

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  • State's Rights Is A Position Of Convenience. Many politicians cry state's rights when they agree with a state, and ignore 'em when they want federal action to overeride a state. It sucks.

    I tell ya one thing, though... as a lifelong Oregonian, who twice voted in favor of Death With Dignity, Ashcroft's stupid power play did accomplish something: I finally came to understand how Robert E. Lee could choose Virginia over the United States. I'm not so sure I agree that he made the best choice, but I at least see
    • Yup. It's why Oregon should secceed with the cascading effect of other states joining it so as not to be dominated by the Red states. Texas could go on it's own if it wants, but a blue and red country in what was once the USA would lead to pretty different governments. I'd also hope Cascadia would clearly define state's rights, or abolish them altogether, since the national mindset would be much more homogenous.
      • *cough* Wow.

        My problem is that, while I might go for Cascadian secession, I'd only want to do it if it could be done peacefully. And I just can't imagine how that would come to pass, so I don't like to talk about it much. Too easy to get associated with militants and them eco-turrurrists, ya know.

        But given that unlikely peaceful scenario, I think taking the northwest corner of the lower 48 (from the Continental Divide west and from about Mt. Shasta north) and redividing it into the states of Puget, Willamet
        • And leave California out? You meanie. That's okay, it'll become it's own country and buy water and power while selling food, technology and entertainment. I do always imagine the separation being basically peaceful, however unlikely.

          I'd also like to see the Freestaters take over New Hampshire to make things interesting and get people thinking.
          • No, I wouldn't leave California out. Well, not entirely, anyway. The State of Jefferson's traditional boundaries take in the northernmost third of California, including all of Mendocino county.

            I'm not so sure that area would want to be part of Cascadia anyway, and it seriously mucks up my idea of setting the borders congruent with watershed boundaries. But the Jeffersons predate any cascadian ambitions by decades, so it would be impolite to exclude them from any talks about (hypothetical, peaceful) redivisi
  • Fixed my damn JE.... sorry about that... It's been a while since I posted one so I kinda slipped that time.

    I was really offended about the medical MJ decision as well. Again, another great example of how the conservatives champion states rights when it suits their purposes, but trample all over them if they disagree with the decision the state came up with.

    Oh, and, if you'd like to email me, you can, my email address is l u k e . y o u n g b l o o d @ g m a i l . c o m

    Hope you can read that... and I hope t
  • The main question in Raich didn't have to do with the fact that MJ is federal Schedule I, it was whether the commerce clause can apply to such stretched circumstances. In the Raich case the limits imposed on the federal government by the CSA itself weren't really at issue, and it was assumed the CSA itself basically allows for unlimited authority.

    The logic behind Raich was this:
    California allowing people to grow their own medical MJ affects interstate commerce even if it never leaves their property because

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