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The Internet

Journal Interrobang's Journal: Let Me Inside Your Brains! 2

I've decided I want to buy my business some Google AdWords, as they're an easily-controllable expenditure that might actually pay off. At the very least, they might get me some more site traffic. Anyhow, in case my article submission gets rejected (they always do), I'm throwing the question out to the Fan Club:

If you were searching for a freelance technical writer, where and how would you look? What kind of search engine keywords might you use? What sites might you go to?

Full Disclosure: Yes, this is my blatant attempt to use you all as marketing research lab rats. If you don't like it, you may decline to answer, or go read someone else's journal. *grin*


Interrobangish Update: I've been away for a while because I fell and ripped the snot out of the anterior ligaments in my shoulder, so I have a lovely impingement syndrome pinching my supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and bicep head -- the ball joint in my right shoulder is too far forward (igh). This means I'm not spending as much time on the computer as I would like. (The anti-inflammatory that drops my already low BP to near passing out from insufficient blood to the head levels doesn't help, either.)

I'm trying to get some more writing done, honest to goodness!
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Let Me Inside Your Brains!

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What this country needs is a good five dollar plasma weapon.
