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Journal hzs202's Journal: Class Selection For 2nd Semester @ NYU 2

I am writing this as if someone other than myself actually cares... Anyway, I met with TSC my academic advisor and we narrowed down some choices and decided on a specific strategy. The first item is that NYU's McGhee School of Professional Studies is redeveloping its Application Development concentration in the Information Systems program. So I am going to hold off on selecting anymore classes from my concentration until NYU announces the changes in the program during the Fall of 2006. As a result I ended up taking some pretty cool classes so far:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Intensive Arabic I
  • Database Design and Development

The database class is a dud and I could probably get life experience credit or test out of the class entirely but I'm in no mood to do that right now. So I won't put up a fight I will just go through it and raise my GPA another notch. Other than the DB class everything seems fine. So that is 12 credits total each class is worth 4 credits. I may take on another 2 credit course but I will think it over for a couple of days.

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Class Selection For 2nd Semester @ NYU

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  • is that a philosophy course?

    • is that a philosophy course?

      Nah... its more like a class on analysis for writing. See the course description below:

      Students learn the fundamental questions to ask in order to analyze visual and written material. Students interrogate ideas, images, and texts within their rhetorical and historical contexts. They learn various tools for analyzing the structure of arguments and logical strategies. At the same time, students read texts that challenge them to reexamine the cultural realities we take for granted.


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