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Journal Magdalene's Journal: im sick today 2

the thing is, ive been sick for a long while.
its amusing how a day can change how you veiw things.
or a sleepless night
or a few nights without good sleep
or a few days without meds
one thing i am not here for is a pity party
sickness is like anything you pick at.
it bleeds
focus a microscope on anything and it will find something
my problem isnt being sick
my problem it seems is noncomplacency
i really dont care about whether or not im going to die
or how or when or even if my body is breaking down organ by organ or whatever.
i just want to know why?


That is the question that most doctors wont answer.
they give you all the
"well its too soon to tell"s
and the
"we have another test booked on the *insert date here*"s
why is it that person A can walk up a set of stairs and not fall over and person B cant?
why is it person A s body works fine when person Bs body randomly shuts things off like some kid set loose at the master control switch?
i am content with my days
i am content with what i have been given
i am even content with being sick.
I just want someone to answer my answers:

What. Why. and When.

Even if the answer is I don't know, inshaaAllah and tommorow.


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im sick today

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  • I'm always more worried about the "we have another test booked to "*insert evil device into body opening

    Me: "That's physically impossible!"

    Sorry to hear you're not doing so well. Hopefully, they'll figure it out.

According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.
