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Journal Ra5pu7in's Journal: Alphabetical Zaniness Meme 1

A - Accent: None. It's really the oddest thing, but no one ever remarks on me having an accent.

B - Breakfast Item: Orange or apple juice

C - Chore you hate: . . . are there any I don't hate? I really need a house-husband, what can I say?

D - Dad's Name: Jerald Dean (masculine version of Geraldine - his parents really wanted a girl)

E - Essential everyday item: Water - minimum of a couple liters

F - Flavour ice cream: Mint chocolate-chip

G - Gold or Silver?: Silver, I guess, since that's the basic shade of my watch.

H - Hometown: Santa Clara, CA

I - Insomnia: Nope - any lack of sleep is wholly related to gaming or reading

J - Job Title: Technical Support Representative

K - Kids: 3 wonderful teenagers - one raised by adoptive parents and two by me

L - Living arrangements: Sharing apartment with brother - kids every weekend

M - Mom's birthplace: Monterey, CA (not 100% sure about that)

N - Number of significant others you've ever had: One - if you count a spouse (ex now) as a significant other. I'm not particularly up on what an SO can include.

O - Overnight hospital stays: Three. Equal to the number of kids I've had. Or four if I count sleeping at the hospital when my daughter was pretty sick (three nights).

P - Phobia: None, I'm afraid.

Q - Queer?: No, just flat out weird.

R - Religious Affiliation: None. Raised a Jehovah's Witness, one daughter being raised Jewish, other two baptized Catholic, but I don't do the afilliation thing.

S - Siblings: Two brothers, two sisters, two half-brothers, two half-sisters, and a step-sister. (My mom had a total of nine and the wicked stepmother brought along her one.)

T - Time you wake up: As late as possible to get to work sort of on time - 7:05. On weekends? Whenever I want - depends on how late we stayed up.

U - Unnatural hair colours you've worn: None. Before now I've had highlights (those old-fashioned barely-noticeable kind) and I've occasionally dyed the ends of my hair which bleach out from the sun so they match the rest. However, I did just dye my hair this weekend to a color not natural for me - a deep red-brown (mahogany) - which looks rather nice.

V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: Okra ... very bad memories of gagging on those.

W - Worst habit: Biting my nails. I don't do it anymore, but when I was younger I bit them back so bad that the point where the nail separates from the finger is pretty far back ... which makes them weaker and even when they grow out they look short.

X - X-rays you've had: Dental and spinal

Y - Yummy: Truffles - had some great French ones the other day - mmmm chocolate perfection.

Z - Zodiac sign: Pisces (though I fit the Aries description better most of the time)

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Alphabetical Zaniness Meme

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