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Journal LordBodak's Journal: Merry Christmas! 2

Merry Christmas everybody!

Nothing exceptionally exciting to mention here, since the only big thing I wanted this Christmas was the Nokia 770 I ordered myself. However, it did arrive on Friday, so I'll have it for my upcoming vacation. So far it's neat but I haven't done much with it yet, I'll probably have more to say after the trip.

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Merry Christmas!

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  • My brother got himself one for Christmas and kept running to me to show me things. "Look, I'm logged in as root." "Check it out, I'm running VI". etc. Definitely a geek toy for him. He especially likes the very quick sleep mode if you slip it in the case and wakeup when you pull it out. Hope you enjoy yours just as much.
    • It was pretty neat to see an ssh server running on something like that. I've got all the basic stuff done... root access, ssh running, that sort of thing.

      And it was nice to sit at my parents' house on Saturday and check on my Fantasy Football team through the bluetooth connection to the cell phone.

      Like you said, definitely a geek toy. Sorta like the PalmPilot was when I first got it... it's amazing how far things have come since I bought that thing in 1998.

If a thing's worth having, it's worth cheating for. -- W.C. Fields
