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Journal Allen Zadr's Journal: [Political/NSA] Original Editorial: My Apologies 5

I have, many times, felt I was being realistic when I've expected that our government, for the most part, would follow the rules my representatives have put in place. However, somehow, the frenzy over - "Oh My The Terrrists" - have enabled a few totalitarian idiots to ask the NSA to spy on us citizens.

So, when I've told people that it's totally against the NSA charter to spy on citizens communicating within our borders - it wouldn't happen - I was being stupid. I'm an idiot. Sorry 'bout that. How embarrassing.

In case nobody's heard. Turns out that Bush Jr., by secret executive order - and getting the DOJ to agree not to block the move - ordered the NSA to spy on citizens.

Yet, the NSA always could spy on citizens. There is a closed court especially set up to review NSA warrant requests - and the results are closed, too. This court, that has been around since 1978, has only denied one request - ever (there were 1500 such requests LAST YEAR ALONE). Yet, George Bush, thought that it was sufficiently important to discard that minor requirement, too.

And before you go telling me how timing is sooo important - the NSA can make an emergency tap, and get a retroactive warrant signed within 48 hours of starting (for weekend and holiday emergency needs). So, basically, the only reason to take away this closed-door oversight would be to start spying on domestic "threats". ... The exact reason why the laws were put in place.

Turns out the NSA was spying on anti-war dissidents during the Vietnam war. That wasn't really so long ago. I suppose I should give Bush the benefit of the doubt and assume he was to drunk to remember.

So, in summary, I'm embarrassed, and really, really pissed off!

This discussion was created by Allen Zadr (767458) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[Political/NSA] Original Editorial: My Apologies

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  • How long are people going to sit there and take this abuse ? The man is clearly a prime candidate for a Nixoning .
    Left /right it does not matter , you don't blindly sit there and accept such behaviour . Pride is a difficult thing to overcome though , and some people need to bite that bullet
    • I'm quite happy that the outrage is fully bi-partisan. My congressional representatives are almost as angry as I am, so - really - that's a good thing.

      As far as being mad enough to threaten impeachment, I don't think they have the backbone. There doesn't seem to be a Spiro Agnew this time around. What we need is an innocent individual to find out that their private life has been brought in front of federal investigators for no reason. For some reason, a single victim is usually as a rallying point.

  • of its own laws, forfeits the basis for its citizens to respect laws to which they were otherwise subject and obliged to regard.

    Such a Government is extra-legal, if not illegal - by definition. This was the ultimate basis of the American revolution, as noted in 1774-1776.

In every non-trivial program there is at least one bug.
