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User Journal

Journal raeler's Journal: Skytrain

I saw a real pirate on the skytrain, heading home from work. He was clearly a real pirate. He had an eye patch, and a metal toothpick. He was also covered in what could only have been stolen booty. Each ear had three or four rings in it, his black shirt was torn from the many sword fights he had won, his arms were circled with twine to tie up his victims and his neck was adorned with at least 15 metal necklaces.

His one eye studied everyone on the train, imposing was his 4'9" frame as he tried to untangle one of the many chains around his wrist that had become tangled between a ring on his finger and the plethora of chains around his waste. Unwavering was his concentration as he adjusted the one of four or five padlocks hanging from his belt.

I was excited because I figured at any moment he would explode, kick someone's ass on the train, loot us all and then struggle to make his getaway under the collective weight of all that metal.

I was disappointed that the train arrived at my station before he had a chance to execute his attack. As I stepped off, I passed by him and he gave me a look - as he ran a hand through his greasy black pirate hair - that said, "arh".

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