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Journal yagu's Journal: question about "sig" 1

I hate to ask, but maybe someone else knows...

I've noticed an unexpected sig behavior on slashdot. I thought whatever sig issued with a post was the sig that stayed associated with that post forever. What I'm seeing though is whatever sig I define becomes the displayed sig for any and all of my posts!

Is this the expected behavior?

Does this surprise anyone else?

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question about "sig"

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  • Originally, I thought like you, that the .sig was attached to the post. Then I changed it....

    It makes sense from a programming point of view: what gets stored as a record in the database is the text in the comment field - period.

    A little disappointing, as I would in the past end an article with a reference to my .sig - which becomes dumb when my .sig changes....

"Hey Ivan, check your six." -- Sidewinder missile jacket patch, showing a Sidewinder driving up the tail of a Russian Su-27
