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Journal pezstar's Journal: Memes are crack

You people and your memes. They're like crack. STOP IT. 1. Name someone with the same birthday as you. John Quincy Adams. EB White. Georgio Armani
2. Where was your first kiss? The courtyard of my middle school on the last day of 8th grade.
3. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property? My high school pal Mindy and I peed on her boyfriend's car seat at a party when we caught him there with another girl. For the record, this was 9 years ago.
4. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? The last time Boone hit me, I hit back. Also, my brothers.
5. Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people? There were about 80 people there when I competed for my vocal scholarship. I played my flute in front of a couple thousand, I think.
6. What's the first thing you notice about the preferred sex? uh... i have no idea. Total package, I guess.
7. What really turns you on? Joey Lawrence
8. What do you order at Starbucks? medium iced mocha, decaf
9. What is your biggest mistake? Boone. The whole thing.
10. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? Not unless piercings and tattoos count. OH! YES! I smoke. I hurt myself on purpose every day.
11. Say something totally random about yourself. MXPX is bringing me way too much joy at this very moment.
12. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity? No.
13. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? I'm lame. All I watch on TV is the news or the weather channel.
14. Did you have braces? no
15. Are you comfortable with your height? Yeah. I'm average height. Trmj mocks me and calls me short, but I'm pretty sure he's lying.
16. What is the most romantic thing someone of the preferred sex has done for you? Brought me morning glory dew and enriched mana biscuits.
17. When do you know it's love? I don't.
18. Do you speak any other languages? I have a decent knowledge of french. I took a total of 8 semesters of Latin... 6 in high school, 2 in college. So if dead languages count, yeah.
19. Have you ever been to a tanning salon? Heh. no.
20. What magazines do you read? I'm more of an online kinda gal. I like
21. Have you ever ridden in a limo? Yeah
22. Has anyone you were really close to passed away? Yes. And I found the body! Fun for all.
23. Do you watch mtv? No. ew.
24. What's something that really annoys you? Passive aggressive-ness. SAY WHAT YOU WANT.
25. What's something you really like? The beach. Or... my beach. The one in my hometown.
26. Do you like Michael Jackson? He's kind of creepy.
27. Can you dance? Only at a ska show.
28. What's the latest you have ever stayed up? 3 days and some change. All of it working at the sheraton while hurricane isabel was going on.
29. Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? Yeah, but I could have driven. I was in a minor car accident, hitting a deer, and I smacked my head on the steering wheel. The cop that found me in the ditch made me go.
30. Do you actually read these when other people fill them out? yes... they're like crack.
32. What are your car/truck radio buttons set to? HA. I sold my car when I moved here.
33. When you're completely burned out, what's a good way to recharge (other than sleep)? World of Warcraft
34. What's your favourite place that you've travelled to? The Arizona desert. Or Vancouver. They are equal on the awesome list.
35. What do you want to try that you haven't yet? Sleeping in a bungalow in Bora Bora.
36. Five things you love to eat, and five things you hate to eat? anything with honey in it, olives, cereal, microwave burritos, collard greens/ mushrooms, raisins, seafood, licorice, peanut butter. The 5 most vile substances ever created.
37. Did you learn to drive stick or automatic first? manual pick-up truck. Go me.
38. Do you like board games? Sure!
39. Tell me your opinion about gambling. I don't have one.
40. How many dictionaries do you own? I have a llatin dictionary around here somewhere.
41. What's your favorite medium to work in? uh. Outside on my back porch. It's getting too cold. I weep.
42. What was your undergraduate major, and was it always that or did you switch? It was meteorology then hospitality management.
43. Worst physical pain you've been in? kidney stones.
44. Who's your best friend? John, probably. I don't really keep anyone that close. I know better.
45. Was high school good? Why (not)? Average, I guess.
46. What kinds of music do you like best? Get specific, if you can. Uh. God, I hate this question. I change my mind all the time with my mood. Today is a punk/emo/ska day. My playlist is almost entirely MXPX, Less Than Jake, NOFX, Rancid and the bosstones today.
47. Last three CDs you bought: I illegally download my music from the internets. I am going to hell.
48. And conversely, what kinds of music would you rather never hear? If I never hear another rap song, it will be too soon. I pretty much despise all forms of techno-shit, too.
49. Five favorite movies: Star Wars(All of them except episode 2. That never existed.), Grease, Clerks, All the harry potter stuff, office space. um.
50. What's something other people like that you just can't get into? Life outside of my computer.
51. When you want to look good, what do you wear? A smile.
52. When your heart breaks, how do you put it back together? Each of my tattoos and piercings has a story behind it, all related to some sort of deep emotional pain. I have 2 piercings in my left eyebrow, one in my right, my labret, my tongue and a couple tattoos. None of the holes are closed, though I only wear the tongue regularly anymore.
53. Should the following be exterminated: white briefs: ... blue eyeshadow: My mom still wears it. pants that create the muffin-top look on women: What the ... flip flops in the office: NO
54. Were you a Boy/Girl Scout? No. I wanted to be a girl scout but we couldn't afford it.
55. Can you swim? Yep.
56. Tell me your guilty pleasures: Joey Lawrence. Seriously. It's sick.
57. Do you have a library card? no.
58. What's the best present you've received in the past five years? A way away from Boone and to Boston.
59. Do you have a favorite: No. I don't have a favorite any of that stuff.
60. You're in a strange city for the weekend. What will you do while you're there? Go to the zoo, if they have one. Boston doesn't. It's sad.
61. Are you thrifty? It's almost sad, how thrifty I am.
62. You bought tickets for a cultural event. What are you going to see? I'm going to sell the tickets to the cultural event and go see a band. For example, MXPX is playing in Worcester in the 26th. Can we please go, Tom? I'll teach you how to get injured at a rock show. :)
63. What's something you're hanging onto that you don't need anymore? A lot of negative mental imagery.
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Memes are crack

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