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Journal daniil's Journal: Heh 3

A story I submitted this morning got accepted and made it to the front page (and of course I'm banned from posting comments to a story I submitted...). This marks yet another milestone in my ambitious plan to turn Slashdot into my personal blog, mwahahahahahaha! (Oops, I wasn't really supposed to tell you this, was I?)

In other news, I'm still alive. Sort of.

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  • What I really want to know is...

    Never mind, you can't reply anyway!

    • I know it's been almost two weeks, but I'm still curious, what was it that you wanted to know?

      (Yay, my ban's been lifted.)

      • My goodness, that was a long time.

        I recall that I was about to make some sort of remark about my taking Slashdot over first, but then realized that you'd be helpless to stop my takeover bid anyway... It's clear you were bitter about the ban, so I thought it would be more ironic to leave it as it ended up. In retrospect, my comment ended up as nothing more than salt in a wound. It was cruel and unusual torture, especially knowing that you went back to it after all this time.

        That said, if something is ev

"No job too big; no fee too big!" -- Dr. Peter Venkman, "Ghost-busters"
