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Journal bellus quies's Journal: Memeolicious 4

1. Name someone with the same birthday as you. Alyssa Milano

2. Where was your first kiss? B.B. King's Blues Club

3. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property? Nope

4. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? In anger, no. But yes if you count karate practice and teasing boys as an adolescent.

5. Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people? Yes. I as a kid I had a solo in church, and in choir during elementary school I was one of the leads in a anti-drug musical they did.

6. What's the first thing you notice about the preferred sex? The eyes.

7. What really turns you on? Hmmm...I'll leave that one between me and my boyfriend.

8. What do you order at Starbucks? Soy latte with flavored syrup, be it hazelnutt, irish cream or almond.

9. What is your biggest mistake? Not being true to myself.

10. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? Yes.

11. Say something totally random about yourself. I'm a monkey.

12. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity? Nope.

13. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? Yes, Invader Zim or Spongebob

14. Did you have braces? Yes. I got a loan from my grandma to get myself braces while in college. Even though I needed them my parents could never stop arguing enough to get me them. (Ps. divorces suck)

15. Are you comfortable with your height? Yes. Though when I was a toddler the doctors thought I was going to break 6', but I think it didn't happen becasue my growth was stunted when I got sick with pnenumonia during a growth spurt.

16. What is the most romantic thing someone of the preferred sex has done for you? Made me a picnic brunch in the living room.

17. When do you know it's love? It's a gradual realization that you come to that just continues to get stronger day by day, and just gets better and better.

18. Do you speak any other languages? Si, high school spanish.

19. Have you ever been to a tanning salon? No. No plans to either.

20. What magazines do you read? Oprah, becasue she kicks ass.

21. Have you ever ridden in a limo? Nope.

22. Has anyone you were really close to passed away? Not really close, but I went to the funural for a gut at the office because he was kind to me.

23. Do you watch mtv? No, they don't play videos anymore and my IQ lowers just as I try to comprehend the vapid fare they put on now.

24. What's something that really annoys you? People who don't give you space on the sidewalk. I swear those people who walk side by side taking up the whole sidewalk piss me off. Walking to the bus stop is like a live action game of frogger.

25. What's something you really like? Sparkly gel pens.

26. Do you like Michael Jackson? He creeps me out. Is he still classified as human, or has he moved on to meat puppet.

27. Can you dance? I like to think so :)

28. What's the latest you have ever stayed up? 28 hours finishing a project report in college.

29. Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? Nope, no ambulatory services yet and hopefully never.

30. Do you actually read these when other people fill them out? Only if the few couple of responses pique my interest, otherwise I skim like there's no tomorrow.

32. What are your car/truck radio buttons set to? 106.7 KROQ, 102.3 KIIS, 93.1 JackFM, 95.5 KLOS, 104.3 KBIG

33. When you're completely burned out, what's a good way to recharge (other than sleep)? A good bottle of white wine and watching some TiVo with my favorite texan.

34. What's your favorite place that you've travelled to? Southern France.

35. What do you want to try that you haven't yet? Kayaking, powered parachuting, kite boarding, and snow boarding.

36. Five things you love to eat, and five things you hate to eat? I love: sushi, cajun, dim-sum, any little tiny finger foods you eat with specialty utinsils, and burritos. Things I hate: jicama, squash, tomato soup, black licorice candy, and cream cheese.

37. Did you learn to drive stick or automatic first? If you count official driving lessons, I learned to work the clutch on a motorcycle first. But my parents let me drive the automatic drive car a time or two before then.

38. Do you like board games? Yes, crainium is the bestest, followed by Monopoly and then some weird career game I played as a kid while camping in a teepee.

39. Tell me your opinion about gambling. Slots kill brain cells. Poker is fun with friends. And visiting Los Vegas leaves me longing to be somewhere else entirely.

40. How many dictionaries do you own? I have 2; English/Latin, and English/Gaelic.

41. What's your favorite medium to work in? In order of preferance: Oil paint, acrylic paint, stained glass, oil pastels, charcoal, clay, ink, sparkely gel pen, crayon.

42. What was your undergraduate major, and was it always that or did you switch? I started out as a bio-chemistry major. Mainly because I put it on my SAT's becasue I liked science and figured any school with that major would be good. Then I considered for a while double majoring in Industrial Art/ Graphic Art, but unfortunatly dumped that idea becasue you needed a portfolio to get admitted to that major and I didn't have one at the time. Then I was thinking about Architecture, but they didn't have that major, so I opted for Civil Engineering in lieu of that.

43. Worst physical pain you've been in? It's a toss up between right before I had my gall bladder removed and Crohn's cramping.

44. Who's your best friend? That's a hard one, I'd have to make it a tie between my boyfriend and another friend.

45. Was high school good? Why (not)? Yes and no. Marching band was fun, drumline was cool too. Though H.S. wasn't as bad as Jr.High, I'm still glad I only have to go through that once.

46. What kinds of music do you like best? Get specific, if you can. If I was on a desert isle and could only listen to one genre it would have to be jazz.

47. Last three CDs you bought: Cheryl Crow-Wildflowers (actually a gift from my boyfriend), Joss Stone-Mind, Body & Soul and Gwen Stephani-Love, Angel Music, Baby

48. And conversely, what kinds of music would you rather never hear? 50 cent. In my opinion he's the Forest Gump of the music world, he's so stupid I can't imagine why people like him. THe funniest thing I've seen lately was that a vitamin water had him in their ad reading the Wall Street Journal.

49. Five favorite movies: Gross Pointe Blank, Ever After, Invader Zim: The Motion Picture, Spongebob Squarepants: The Golden Years, Witchblade: the return of Yancey Butler

50. What's something other people like that you just can't get into? Maddox...I just don't understand how some dork from Utah can have such a following of male adolescent wannabees.

51. When you want to look good, what do you wear? Sparkles and stardust.

52. When your heart breaks, how do you put it back together? With a generous application of time.

53. Should the following be exterminated: white briefs: Do yo umean tighty whities, then yes. blue eyeshadow: Yes, it must die! It should have stayed in teh 70's where it came from. pants that create the muffin-top look on women: Just get pants that fit already. flip flops in the office: If I could, I would.

54. Were you a Boy/Girl Scout? I was a Girl Scout up until I found out that the leaders daughter was trying to get every badge ther ever was or wil be. That's way too much not-fun in my book. That and how much Girl Scouts sucked. Boy Scouts got to go climb stuff and tie cool knots and shoot arrows and stuff. In Girl Scouts I learned how to make an egg glaze to go on bear shaped bread to make it look shiney and how to make lanyards and paste birdseed on pinecones with peanutbutter and sell cookies at my parents work. In other words, I had a better "scouting" experience just going camping with my dad than I ever did with that organization.

55. Can you swim? Like a fish. Backwards.

56. Tell me your guilty pleasures: song: anything by No Doubt book: books by Laurell Hamilton movie: The Wedding Planner with JLo food: Sushi other: art supplies

57. Do you have a library card? Yes, it's cheaper to rent movies there than blockbuster.

58. What's the best present you've received in the past five years? A Hug.

59. Do you have a favorite: Painter: No more than a favorite star in the sky..ok maybe Monet. Sculptor: Rodan Photographer: I'd go wtih my sister Tiana Writer (fiction): Laurell Hamilton Writer (science fiction/fantasy): Right now I'm reading Terry Brooks Poet: Emily Dickenson Writer (nonfiction): I don't know, does Oprah count, cause I'm sure she'd kick ass in any catagory.

60. You're in a strange city for the weekend. What will you do while you're there? Drive to the center of town and see what there is to see, then go take a nap.

61. Are you thrifty? Depends what you mean by thrifty. Am I cheap? no. Do I run up my credit card on shopping spree's? no. Quality is normally what I look for first, followed by monetary value. If I need a watch I'd much rather buy the more expensive one that I like and that will last rather than something chintzy, cheap and not quite my style.

62. You bought tickets for a cultural event. What are you going to see? A live concert featuring Sheryl Crow, No Doubt, Seal and Sting.

63. What's something you're hanging onto that you don't need anymore? the reciepts in my wallet. This question reminds me to shred them when I get home.

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  • 15. Are you comfortable with your height? Yes. Though when I was a toddler the doctors thought I was going to break 6', but I think it didn't happen becasue my growth was stunted when I got sick with pnenumonia during a growth spurt.

    Same here, though I blame it on my parents smoking. I am the tallest in the family at 5'7" however.
    • at 5'9 I'm not the tallest, my sister is at 6'3". Personally, I say it was because she was born in Texas and everythings bigger out there because they must put something in the water.
  • Posted one of my very own.:)
    • 23. Do you watch mtv? No, they don't play videos anymore and my IQ lowers just as I try to comprehend the vapid fare they put on now.

    That is why I like to call it M-T-Vision... Long ago the M in MTV actually meant music, but no more.

The biggest difference between time and space is that you can't reuse time. -- Merrick Furst
