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Journal memfree's Journal: yet more movie reviews

Originally, I just went to see two movies this weekend. I didn;t anticipate the hell that was my stereo install leaving me stranded for hours, and getting me to see an additional THREE movies at the local mega-plex. As always, slightly more complete reviews are at my movie page, but to sum up:

1) If you like the band "Happy Mondays", see the movie "24 Hour Party People". Otherwise, skip it. The narrative isn't quite strong enough, and the few seconds of Sex Pistols, Siouxsie, and (more, but not enuf) Joy Division clips only happen early on.

2) "Lovely and Amazing" was a significantly better than the average chick flick. Worth the watch.

3) If you want, you could see "The Good Girl", but PLEASE don't generalize the movie or its message to apply to all people.

4 & 5) Avoid "Serving Sara" and "Blood Work". Both are predicable, unimaginative, and dull, dull, dull.

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yet more movie reviews

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