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Christmas Cheer

Journal bellus quies's Journal: Sshhhh it's a surprise 1

Well, I just ordered my boyfriend's Christmas present. It takes 10-12 weeks to be made, so I think it will get here on time.

I don't think that he would suspect me getting him it at all. But he was drooling over them when we were in Australia a year ago, and they didn't have his size in stock or he would have ordered them right then.

Well, what did I get him...I shiny new pair of boots.


I just got a call from the online boot company confirming the order. They said that they get some bogus orders and call to confirm to make sure it's not a stolen card. So, yippee, the boots are in process and they also confirmed my request that no catalogs or other mail be sent out so that I can keep the gift a surprise.

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Sshhhh it's a surprise

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  • I gotta start my xmas shopping soon; I hate waiting until the last minute, especially when it comes to a gift for the SO. I am thinking about making a gift for her, but I can't figure out where I can hide it (much less spend time working on it) without her finding out :-|

One good suit is worth a thousand resumes.
