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Journal spun's Journal: Conservatives have taken over slashdot 6

I have noticed that recently, moderation on slashdot has taken on an increasingly right wing flavor. People get modded down for stating facts that are inconvenient to the right wing. This isn't happening all the time, yet, but it seems to be happening more and more often. Right wing comments, no matter how asinine, get modded up. Sigh. I think the low quality of slashdot in general has driven most of the intelligent people away. Much more of this and I'll be gone too.

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Conservatives have taken over slashdot

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  • I keep getting marked "Troll," and my moderations marked "Unfair," but I'm not deterred yet.

    (Left wing poster, btw.)
  • I've seen it too. Mods seem to be getting more and more right-wing.
    Question, though: Where should I go for my geek news once /. falls?

2 pints = 1 Cavort
