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Journal saskboy's Journal: Solar flares at a high level this week [Sept. 10th] is reporting, "solar activity is very high. Earth-orbiting satelites have detected six X-class solar flares since Sept. 7th, including one X17-class monster-flare. NOAA forecasters say there's a 75% chance of more X-flares during the next 24 hours, possibly causing radio blackouts and radiation storms."
        The massive "Sunspot 798" is rotating into the direction of Earth this week, so keep your eyes skyward at night for Northern Lights, and keep your fingers crossed that no blackouts or satelite damage is triggered by the possible radiation storms.
An X17 class flare is very powerful. Back in January 2005, a powerful solar storm ripped past Earth. A list with some of the most powerful solar flares since 1976 is here.

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Solar flares at a high level this week

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