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Journal bellus quies's Journal: The new bus driver sucks

Ok so here's the story....

Tuesday morning my boyfriend and I got to the bus stop with time to spare and the driver never showed up. The next lady busdriver that drove the route said that she passed him allready driving down rosecrans and he probably took a shortcut because he was running late, and that we should submit a complaint to the MTA about it. So I filled out the online form regarding the incident.

Wednesday, the bus driver was there along with a supervisor in a van at the stop to make sure he showed. He didn't take the road along main street to get to the bus stop but had to do this loop along Mesa St to pull up at the bus stop on Grand. He stopped, got out to talk to his supervisor, and just waved us into the bus without asking to see out passes. The guy seemed nice enough that morning.

Thursday, we got to the bus stop on time and saw the bus waiting along Mesa St. When we got to the bus stop on Grand the bus driver then started up the bus, drove to the corner, and instead of turning right along Grand to get to the bus stop he just pulled up to the stop sign, opened the doors and honked at us. So we walked to the end of the block to get on the bus, we got on the bus and I showed him my bus pass, but my boyfriend's was in his wallet. And the bus driver started driving down Grand (without making the normal loop, and skipping a few bus stops) Then he complains that we only showed him one pass, mumbling that you don't ride the bus for free so my boyfriend had to dig out his and show the driver the pass while the bus was in motion.

At that point I was pissed off. You don't stop at the bus stop, honk at us, we're nice enough to walk over to your lazy ass, and then you proceed to be rude to my boyfriend?!?!! Fuck that, you motherfucker. So I'm registering yet another complaint, this time about him skipping part of the route and not stopping at the bus stop. Hopefully the next driver our route gets will not think that they're doing us a favor by just showing up.

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The new bus driver sucks

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